Wearing Loafers: Where, What and How

Wearing Loafers: Where, What and How

safari monk

Photo Source: Fizzy Goblet

The loafer is one of the shoe styles we introduced last year, and while you guys have loved it, there have been a few doubts about wearing them: Does one lounge about at home with it? Are these to be flaunted on the dance floor? Is it meant for broader feet, or should narrow ones stick to them?

We're answering them all here.

Where to wear them


Around the block : You can take your Fizzy loafer for a walk in the neighbourhood, on a sprint with your dog or on an ice-cream drive.

Example: The Payal Singhal x FG loafer

To the mall : We all know that a shopping session at the mall is nothing short of a marathon, and you have to be prepped for it. The loafers, which are super comfortable, are made just for that.

Example:  Poppy Monk Loafer

poppy power

Photo Source: Fizzy Goblet

For an interview : This one will have you thinking on your feet, no kidding.

Example: The Safari Monk Loafer

On a holiday : Oh, but this one is the best alternative of them all. 

Example: Fly Birdie Loafer

fly birdie fly

Photo Source: Fizzy Goblet

How to wear them

With your best jeans

Persian flower

Photo Source: Fizzy Goblet 

A basic black skirt

lotus loafer black

Photo Source: Fizzy Goblet

A maxi dress

fly birdie fly

Photo Source: Fizzy Goblet

Who should wear them

The FG loafers are a lot like our juttis, but a wider fit from the front. If you have broad feet, a bigger size or just generally like to wear roomier shoes, these will suit you well! Smaller feet people, don’t you worry, these will fit you like a glove too as they take the shape of the feet.  

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